Adapted from a piece written by Al Samujh in 1985, with his kind permission.

I noticed Crossroads star Arthur White (he plays John Latchford) had a small role as the candy stall holder in It's Your Funeral and was prompted to write to Arthur at the Crossroads office seeking his recollections of the series.

He replied: "It was a long time ago, and at that time, being young and ambitious, I was only interested in how many lines I had to say when I was offered a job. A casting lady told me that although there were no scripted lines, the scene was to be with Patrick, and this put me in awe of him. I was determined to make an impact and was thrilled when the director talked me through the scene. I remember him saying that Patrick (as the character) is suspicious of everyone and catches my eye and I have to stare at him with malice. I was nervous but confident and remember Patrick's steel blue cold eyes penetrating mine, but I stared back. Patrick was pleasant but highly efficient and totally professional - a very shy man, I remember thinking."

Added Arthur: "I did not then, or even now, understand the series, and I did not keep any mementoes."

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